Mountain Lake Profile
by Greg Miller
Age: Over 12,000 years (Warren County's largest, natural, glacial lake)
Location: Mountain Lake Watershed (3,625 acres) a part of the Pequest and Upper Delaware Watersheds
Advisory Group: Mountain Lake Community Association (MLCA)
Area: 122 acres
Maximum Depth: 38 feet
Average Depth: 17 feet
Water Volume: 67,581,497 gallons
Main Inlets:
- Mountain Lake Brook
- Jenny Jump Brook
- Three other unnamed streams
Primary Weeds :
- Eurasian Water Milfoil
- Water Lilies
- Coontail
- Curly Leaf Pondweed
Relevant Ordinances:
- No gas powered motors
- No feeding waterfowl
- No applying phosphorus fertilizer to residential lawns (except newly
established turf)
- Clean up & properly dispose of pet waste that is deposited on public thoroughfares
Request by the MLCA for Residents and Visitors:
- Don't feed waterfowl.
- Pick up waste from pets.
- Don't litter.
- Don't use phosphorus based detergents and fertilizers.
- Conserve water.
- Maintain your septic system by having it pumped every three years.
- Create a "no-mow zone" around the water's edge to promote nutrient absorption and discourage geese.
- Give storm water a chance to run over natural land so that it can be absorbed through the soil. Don't discharge it directly into the water.